Market Updates

We're here to help Financial Advisers meet their Consumer Duty requirements and provide an exceptional advisory experience. Choose from our range of market updates to stay informed and gain insights you can share with your clients.


Our Market Updates

The ever-changing world we live in reinforces the importance of regular up-to-date communication. Our multi-asset investment team are here to provide you with a summary of global events to keep you fully informed and able to have engaging conversations with your clients.

We have a variety of different options for you to choose from. Whether you want weekly or monthly frequency, or prefer webinar to email, we have a solution that will fit your needs. Simply sign up to as many as you would like to receive, and we'll do the rest! And don't forget, if you want to know more about a particular topic then send us a question and the investment team can cover it in the next update.

Email: Monday Market Update

A short summary of global events and their impact on markets, sent straight to your inbox every Monday. Easy to read format and easily digestible content.


Email: Monthly Market Moves

A summary of global events from the previous month, sent direct to your inbox. A sleek, branded report which you can easily use with clients.


Webinar: 10-minute Monthly Market Forecast

A look ahead, presented live by our investment team, in an easy-to-understand way giving you the insights and sound bites you need to share with your clients.